Promise – finally

The finally method of a Promise  allows you to execute code after a promise has been settled. If the promise succeeds or fails the finally method is called. This is useful if you want to run some code regardless of the outcome of the promise. The promise finally method is similar to the finally method in a try catch finally block.

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Introduction to Django

Django is a python framework that lets you quickly and easily build secure data driven websites. Django uses the Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture, which has three components: Models are used for managing the data. View handle the application logic , they fetch data from the models and display the results in the templates. Template handles the presentation of … Read more

Introduction to HTTP 2.0

A lot of the web still uses the HTTP1.1 protocol, HTTP1.1 has a new successor which provides many benefits over HTTP 1.1 , this blog post will explain the benefits of HTTP 2.0 so that you can move your webservers over to HTTP 2.0

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Native vs Hybrid App Development

Hybrid Apps normally use one code based comprised of web technologies like HTML, CSS and javascript and run in on a webview. The advantages of Hybrid apps are that now you only need to maintain one codebase for multiple platforms – Android, iOS and the Web.

Native apps are built using the specific programming language for the platform, so for Android you would use Java or Kotlin . For iOS , you would use Swift or Objective C.

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An Introduction to WebWorkers

JavaScript is single threaded, all your code runs on the main thread. Now if you run some CPU intensive task like compressing a large file, the browser will become unresponsive while it performs the task. To overcome this, we use WebWorkers.

WebWorkers are external JavaScript files that run in a separate thread, so that you main thread can remain free to process user input.

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Introduction to IndexedDB

Relational Databases like MySQL are great for storing , updating and reading data. Though they come with two disadvantages. 

  • Since the databases reside on the server, fetching and updating data depends on the quality of the user’s internet connection. If the user has slow internet, it will take much longer to data to be fetched and updated.
  • Also when the user loses connectivity, there is no way to connect to the database until the connection is restored

IndexedDB is a JavaScript-based object-oriented database which runs client-side on your browser, so it works in bad networks or when the user is offline. IndexedDB stores data as key value pairs, key can be any string, value can be any object. IndexedDB also indexes  data stored so that you can perform high performance searches on the data. IndexedDB also supports transactions

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An introduction to ES6

ES6 also know as ECMAScript 2015 and JavaScript 6 is the 6th major release of the ECMAScript language specification.

ECMAScript is a Standard for scripting languages and JavaScript is the most popular implementation of the ECMAScript Standard. ES6 introduces some new features which makes programming in JavaScript better.

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Introduction to WebRTC

WebRTC is a framework that enables real time peer to peer communication between web browsers via a javascript API. With WebRTC , you can share live video and audio between peers. You can also use it for low latency file and data transfer.

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