Introduction to JSON

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JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a format to represent data, even though it has JavaScript in its name, it is language independent. 

JSON is simply a collection of name/value pairs, In this blog post, we will focus on JSON in JavaScript.

In Javascript, we represent JSON in the form of an object, the key value pairs of an object are enclosed between an opening “{“ and a closing “}” bracket


var user = {
name: "test",
age: 30,
favorite_color: "blue"

In the above example, the variable user contains an object, you can access the objects properties by providing the key of the property as shown below // returns "test"
user['name'] // returns "test"

As you can see in the above code snippet, there are 2 ways to get a value, by using a dot and by specifying the key in as an index.


JSON.stringify is used to convert a JSON object to a string


var user = {
name: "test",
age: 30,
favorite_color: "blue"

var user_string = JSON.stringify(user);

You need to use JSON.stringify when using certain API’s like localStorage which cannot store JSON but only strings.


JSON.parse is used to convert a string representing an object back to an JSON object. Its the reverse of the stringify method.


var user = "{name: 'test', age:30, favorite_color: 'blue'}"

var user_object = JSON.parse(user);

In the above example user is a string (notice the inverted commas around the text),  if you attempt to get the value of name by you will get undefined, to get the value, you need to pass the string to the parse method and then get its value.