Welcome to part 2 of the 14 Day Lead Generation challenge which is about making creatives and promoting your webinars!
Promo Creatives
Ideally the creative should at minimum contain the name of the webinar, details of the presenters and the date, time and link for the webinar. The recommended size for the creative is around 1920*1080 px. Among the many tools available to make the creative, our recommendation is Canva. Canva has plenty of templates to get your creative juices flowing. Canva is also very simple to pick up and use even if you have no design experience. Best of all Canva has a free plan which has enough features for making a webinar creative.
Apart from Canva, there are many other free and paid software that you can use for making webinar creatives like Adobe Spark, Figma, Visme, Stencil, Photoshop and many more …
Once the creative is done, you can use a tool like tinypng.com to reduce the image size without losing visual quality.
Create the Webinar Link
Login to Vidphone and in the dashboard sidemenu on the left, Click the schedule and then the webinar/livestream tab. This will take you to the schedule webinar page.

Fill in the details like the webinar name, description, date, time, duration and image. For the webinar name, keep it short and catchy. For the webinar image, select the image that you created in the last step.
By default, viewers will be asked for their name and email, if you would like to ask them fir additional info, you can specify it in the “Add registration fields” section.
Next in the “Add Co-Presenters” section, fill in. the details of the co-presenters. If available, add their photo as well.
The next two sections will allow you to stream to Youtube and Facebook. This process has been explained in detail in this blog post for Youtube and this one for Facebook.
In the “Invite Participants” section, add in all the emails of the people you want to join your webinar, they will receive an email with the details.
Finally click the schedule button to schedule the webinar, a section below will show up with the link, you can copy the link.
Promote your webinar
Visit the webinar link before the start of the webinar and you will see the registration page. This page contains all the details of your webinar and the actual webinar will be on this link when the event is live. After the event is over, a recording of the webinar will appear on this same link.
We recommend that you promote your webinar in at least 3 channels, some of the common channels are email, whatsapp, twitter, facebook, linkedin. Plan to promote your webinar at least 3 times, once 3-4 days before your webinar, once more about 24 hours before your webinar and one more final time a few mins before your webinar begins. Ideally change the creative image for the final promotion to specify that your webinar is starting now.