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Click 'Allow' to use Vidphone

Connectivity Issues detected. Attempting to reconnect...



Browser not supported!

On iOS only Safari is supported, Please open this page using Safari.


Video support in Safari is experimental.

Experiencing problems in this browser? Let us know at what went wrong.


Your browser does not seem to be supported! The app works best on Chrome. Get Chrome here

Download Google Chrome


Vidphone extension not installed

We currently support group call recording on Chrome using the Vidphone extension. Please install the Vidphone extension from here.

For incognito tab, enable the extension by opening chrome://extensions/ in a new tab, click on the details button for the Vidphone extension & toggle "Allow in incognito" ON.

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You are about to join the office

Join with camera and mic off

Cam & Mic not active

Mic On Mic Off
Cam On Cam Off
Settings Close

The browser will request access to your cam and mic. You can still turn them back off at any time.

Skip this review next time you join the office on this computer

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You are about to join the office

The Office is locked, waiting for the host to let you in.

If you are the owner of this office, please login and join.

You have been denied access

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The public office is Full!
Please provide your email and we will let you know when a spot opens up!

This is available on Portrait Mode only

Please rotate your phone to continue